Monday, 26 July 2010

Maternity Leave Commences...

Baby, it's mummys first day of maternity. Was thinking that I could at least have a week's rest before your arrival. But Dr Ho told us on Friday that our next appointment is on Tuesday, 27 Jul 10 and would induce the labour on 28 Jul 10!

You should look at how delighted your Daddy looked that day. He had always wanted you to share the same birthday with him. *Faint*

Mummy is a bit scared. You know Mummy is afraid of pain. Even a little prick on finger for blood test or the thought of needles just makes Mummy's face looks pale.

Just hope that everything will go well and painless and looking forward to see Baby. Wonder if Baby really looks like Mummy like what Dr Ho said when he saw the clearer scan of Baby's face a few weeks back. Baby, you are really active and strong. Kept kicking no-stop wondering what you were doing. Most of your CTG scans showed that your heartbeat is a bit fast. Cool down, I guess Baby will be a sport-woman when you grow up. But I prefer a lady-liked gal gal...

Still got some loose ends to tie up before you arrive. Got to make your bed/cot. See you soon and be good ok? Luv ya, Baby...

Oh, and got to decide on your name real soon.